Statistics | Fewer companies registered in 2015

A total of 5,023 new companies were incorporated during 2015, a decrease of 386 year-on-year. According to information from the Statistics and Census Service, the total value of registered capital dropped by 28.8 percent to MOP1.3 billion.
Analyzed by industry, there were 1,804 new corporations operating in Wholesale and Retail, and 1,239 in Business Services, with the value of registered capital amounting to MOP226 million and MOP403 million, respectively.
The number of companies in dissolution totaled 595 in 2015, and the value of registered capital of companies in dissolution amounted to MOP190 million.
Considering the amount of registered capital, there were 3,502 new companies (69.7 percent of the total) registered with capital under MOP50,000, together holding capital value of MOP92 million (7 percent of the total). Meanwhile, there were 108 new companies registered with capital of MOP1,000,000 or over, and the total value of capital amounted to MOP1 billion.
At the end of 2015, the number of registered companies increased by 4,431 year-on-year to 53,057, including 472 commercial offshore companies, a figure that was down by eight
In the fourth quarter of 2015, a total of 1,048 new companies were incorporated, down by 406 year-on-year, with the total value of registered capital increasing by 32.2 percent to MOP412 million.

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