Chile in the spotlight at Latin American Cultural Festival

The Chilean capital Santiago

The Chilean capital Santiago

The “2016 Latin American Cultural Festival,” organized by the Macau Association for the Promotion of Exchange between Asia-Pacific and Latin America (MAPEAL), began on August 19 and will continue until September 15 in Macau.
Included in the festival is the second “Seminar on Latin American Literary World.” The seminar will be held today from 11a.m. to 12:30p.m. at the University of Macau. The guest speaker is Edmundo Bustos Azócar, who is the Media and Culture Attaché of the Embassy of Chile in the People’s Republic of China.
According to information provided by the organizers, Bustos has been the Attaché since last year. Before coming to China, he was in Chile working in the field of cultural resource management. He was the Director of Cultural Heritage at the Observatory of Cultural Policies from 2011 to 2014. Before that, from 2006 to 2010, he was the National Chief of the Cultural Heritage of the Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (National Council for Culture and the Arts). He has also been a professor at various universities in Chile, such as the University of Chile, University of Valparaíso, University of Miguel de Cervantes, among others.
For this seminar, Bustos will introduce Chile and present the cultural heritage diversity of the country, including the six places that were declared World Heritage sites by UNESCO. He will also introduce the two Nobel Prize winners of Chile, Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda.

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