Hengqin hopes to issue green cards to talented people from overseas

With hopes of attracting more talent from overseas, Hong Kong and Macau, the Hengqin administrative departments are considering to relax border control policies.
Future policies will be specifically designated for talented people from overseas, according to a report by Macao Daily News.
The region expects to issue green cards to skilled people from all over the world. However, as green card issues involve China’s state regulations, the idea is still facing difficulties in moving forward.
Currently, Hengqin is providing various compensations to qualified  professionals, including housing subsidies. Last year, the area spent over RMB216 million awarding those with particular professions. It is also building high-end residences for professionals, which quantifies its expectation to attract 2,000 people.
At the end of last year, Ye Zhen, Deputy Part Secretary of Henqin New Area Committee, said that “the region has been preparing itself to build an internationally competitive [place for] talented people […] in order to attract more investment, as well as more talented people.” Ye also claimed that “innovation and entrepreneurship institutions and a high-quality living environment have been created.”  Staff reporter

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