Officials downplay concerns over reclaimed zone high-rises

Raimundo do Rosário

Raimundo do Rosário

Public sentiment continues to escalate over the government’s possible intention to allow 100-meter high-rises to be constructed on Reclamation Zone B. The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosário, told media yesterday that authorities may not accept “amateur opinions” received through public consultations.
“The text is for consultation, not for decisions,” said the Secretary after a committee meeting at the Legislative Assembly. “There could be another one after a consultation,” he said.  “I think consultation is necessary in every single society, which is a good thing. But then sometimes due to other reasons, like technical ones, not everyone’s opinions on the matter are appropriate,” he added.
During the very first consultation that was open to local citizens on the subject of urban planning in the five reclamation zones last Saturday, some participants voiced their concerns over allowing the construction of buildings in Zone B with a possible height of 100 meters, as this may impede views of the Chapel of Our Lady of Penha, sitting on Penha Hill, from the waterfront.
This morning, Cheong Ion Man, acting deputy director of the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau, attended TDM’s call-in program on social affairs in order to discuss the ongoing public consultation, which will conclude on August 8th.
“The height limitation [for Zone B buildings] is 100 meters, while that of Penha Hill is a mere 60 meters; basically, they are incompatible with each other. It would also create a loophole for zones C, D and E. The blocks at the waterfront are this high, let alone those situated [closer to the hill],” remarked a caller surnamed Sou.
However, Cheong made assurances that the chapel would remain visible, with two “view corridors” to be erected in the area, the specifics of which will be based on the advice of commissioned experts. “The experts suggested that technically the buildings’ height in Zone B, especially in the precincts close to the Macau Tower, could reach higher,” said the bureau official, asserting that the project was technically sound. Staff reporter

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