Predictions of 12 Zodiac in The Year of Red Monkey


(1924 – 1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996)
Prepared to overcome challenges

1-ratWhen the Rat meets the Monkey, it is the blessing of the heavens!’

There is unanimity among the almanacs that this will be a good year for those born under the Rat. The energy “qi” circulates from the Monkey (sign of the year) to the Rat, making it stronger and ready to accept and overcome challenges. The two belong to the same family of zodiacal signs, so Rat natives will feel at home.
It will be for many the beginning of a period far more favorable; what recently was difficult or impossible will now be achieved with little or no effort.
The year will be a strong one for academic, professional and financial success. You can secure greater status, recognition and authority.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

Positive relationships with other people will be a trump card in case of difficulty, say the almanacs.
In addition good luck will grow gradually throughout the year.
Star of the General (Jiang Xing): the star of authority and power. The Rats will be able to overcome their competitors and will enjoy heightened social status.
Star of the Gold Vault (Jin Gui): there will be luck in financial affairs and accumulation of winnings.

The best ally of the year: the Dragon

 OX 牛

(1925 – 1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997)
Now is the time to act

2-ox‘When the Ox meets the Monkey, it’s time to go up to the stage and perform’

With regard to work and career, it’s time to put aside the worries and anxieties and accept the challenges ahead with determination and confidence. You will have the opportunity to show what you’re worth. This may be a good year for changes in professional terms.
In fact, the almanacs referred to the appearance of several “lucky stars” in the life of the Ox, which means the winds will blow in your favor.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭

The Almanac of Peter So, as many others, reminds us that the year of the Goat (2015) will have been turbulent for many natives of the Ox, so the new situation of the year of the Monkey (2016) will appear as particularly timely.
In all aspects of life personal relationships will be one of the keys to success. There will be powerful people ready to help.
The great enemy of the year will be the fear of leaving one’s comfort zone. However this does not apply to students and scholars, which will find themselves particularly benefited and motivated in this year of the Monkey.
Star of Happiness in the Heavens (Tian Xi): one of the most auspicious “stars” of the Chinese divining tradition. Be it for single people or for married couples, this will be a good year for love…

The best ally of the year: the Rat


(1926 – 1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998)
More wisdom than strength

3-tiger‘The Tiger will have to be smarter than the Monkey to become a King’

The Tiger and the Monkey (sign of the year) are opposed in the Zodiac, which means change. The status quo is called into question!
Which is not necessarily negative, since sometimes the change is better than the continuation of an undesirable situation. Everything depends on each particular case and, of course, the individual map of birth.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭

But as most people favor stability over change, the almanacs tend to classify 2016 as negative or problematic for the Tigers.
In accordance with the cycle of the elements, the metal (the Monkey) tends to “cut” or “smash” the wood (of the Tiger), that is, challenges it. The bright side is that it generates discipline, rigorousness, and the sense of responsibility. But this pressure can become excessive and disturbing.
The solution to this threat derives from the presence in the sign of the Monkey (besides the metal) of the water element. Water is, par excellence, the element of intelligence and wisdom and is a friend of wood. Faced with the challenges of the year of the Monkey, the best response of the Tiger must reside in intelligence and wisdom, more than in force.
Star of Mobility (Yi Ma): travel can be a solution for decompression…

The best ally of the year: the Snake


(1927 – 1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999)
Powerful friends

4-rabbit‘As the Rabbit finds the Monkey it becomes popular and desired’

As with the relationship between the Monkey and the Tiger, here also the Monkey (metal, or the wind) tends to control the Rabbit but the latter, in the form of vegetation (wood element), is like the grass and knows how to bend gracefully. After all there’s no conflict and the Monkey’s energy is used constructively – the Rabbit feels that he can control the forces of fate.
Another part of this year, in addition to the sign of the Monkey, is the element of fire in its “yang” aspect (“bing”). The wood (of the Rabbit) is expressed best through the fire that it feeds. This means visibility; the natives of the sign will have the opportunity to show their worth and their reputation will be on the rise.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭

The area of life most benefited will be the professional. The Rabbits will receive help from powerful friends, repeat the almanacs.
In the sentimental area, the people of the female gender will feel the most benefit.
The emphasis of the year is positive, according to several almanacs.
There is a special reference to students who may particularly excel in this year of the Monkey.

The best ally of the year: the Monkey


(1928 – 1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000)
A Dragon that inspires respect

5-dragon‘When the Dragon meets the Monkey, it exudes exceptional respect’

The almanacs follow two fundamental criteria in their annual forecasts. One, based on the balance between the “five elements”, the other, on the basis of the so-called “symbolic stars” of destiny.
From the point of view of the first, the expectations are the best, since the Dragon and the Monkey (along with the Rat) belong to the same zodiacal family, which share the circulation of the water element.
This is the privileged criterion for the generality of almanacs, which therefore see the year of the Monkey as a good time for those born in the year of the Dragon.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

On the one hand, the Monkey represents for the Dragon opportunity, visibility and self-confidence. The natives of the sign tend to be gaining in prominence. What they will do to impresses others!
We must also take into account that the water element signifies that which has value  to the Dragon, including material value and wealth.
However all almanacs warn of the presence of negative “stars” and the absence of postive stars. That is, the Dragons will be completely at the mercy of the merit of their actions. You can’t rely on luck.

The best ally of the year: the Rat


(1929 – 1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001)
Choose the good and avoid the bad

6-snake‘When the Snake meets the Monkey, the latter could become a good assistant and supporter to the Snake’

The relationship between the Snake and the Monkey (sign of the year) is intense, but contradictory. On one hand, the two signs are celestial partners in the zodiac: this indicates a meeting with a person or a very specific circumstance that could change their lives.
But on the other, there is tension between the two signs. Those born under the Monkey will find both those who love them with great intensity and those who hate them bitterly around them. They will need to know how to manage this contradiction.
The Board of Peter So is a little redundant: “Approach those who love you and avoid those who hate you”. In other words, look at the good relationships, and forget the rest.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭

In terms of specific events the situation tends to be very unstable, say the almanacs, since the upside and the downside of the year tend to toggle unpredictably.
The good news is that the almanac of Sung Siu Kwong (usually pessimistic), says the Snakes can count on the help of several “auspicious stars”, which means that luck will favor them. It requires only, says the astrologer, that they know how to face everything with a positive spirit, for what is bad may easily turn into good.
In sentimental terms, the year will be better for men than for women.
Star of Heavenly Virtue (Tian Xi): the magic to transform apparent misfortunes into good events.

The best ally of the year: the Ox


(1930 – 1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002)
Choose the win-win strategy

7-horse‘When the Horse meets the Monkey, it can achieve success but only after overcoming difficulties’

Those born under the Horse will be at the mercy of their luck, since there will be no “bright stars” to help them, while at the same time they will have the negative stars against them.
The fire of the Horse tends to conquer (to “melt” or “crush”) the metal of the Monkey (sign of the year). This means the achievement of concrete objectives and the possession of things with value, for example goods and money.
The problem is that there will be other people wanting the same due to the presence, this year, of the fire element, which means competition for the Horse. It will be up to the natives of this sign to tap into their ability to negotiate and achieve win-win agreements with their competitors.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

They must reduce their expectations for this year, which does not exclude the possibility of success. This  will only be possible after you overcome the obstacles and resolve the difficulties.
According to Sung Siu Kwong, the most difficult months will be the first two (the months of February and March), whereas between May and early August it will be possible to profit on the positive side of the year.
Star of Mobility (Yi Ma): travel and frequent changes may be a good alternative to escape the effects of negative “stars”.

The best ally of the year: the Dog


(1931 – 1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003)

Must show your worth

8-goat‘When the Goat meets the Monkey, she is preparing to climb to the stage’

The almanacs insist on the fact that, in their own year (2015), many Goat natives lived under pressure. Therefore, in comparative terms, 2016, the year of the Monkey, will be better, especially from August 8 (in the Western calendar), that is, in the second half of the year of the Monkey (by the Chinese calendar).
In terms of energy, the universal qi circulates from the Goat to the Monkey, which, at the outset, indicates an active opportunity to demonstrate your value.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭

At the same time, however, the fire element will also be active in this year of the Monkey, which means, for the Goat, the intention to enjoy life, learn and get some rest. The astrologer Peter So says that it’s good to follow this trend, since it will allow the digestion of the more traumatic experiences of recent years.
These two movements are somewhat contradictory, except with regard to intellectuals and artists, for whom the pleasure to learn and create is at the same time playful and active. This could be beneficial to students.
Star of Luck in Love (Hong Luan): the best for love and relationships with people.

The best ally of the year: the Rabbit


(1932 – 1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004)
Discreet but secure

9-monkey‘When the Monkey meets the Monkey, not a good sign, from the point of view of Chinese tradition’

The logic of Chinese almanacs in their predictions for this year is very simple: the Monkey goes into territory dominated by another Monkey, resulting in a potential conflict over a matter of territoriality.
If the visitor can keep silent and discreet, the passage can be peaceful, safe and even well traversed.
But if the visitor somehow defies the owner, then problems and difficulties can be expected.
Long story short, it’s not a year in which the Monkeys can do what they like (be in the spotlight and show their skills) without paying for that. A low-profile is the watchword!

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭✭

In addition, the almanac of Mak Ling Ling alerts us of the possibility of changes that occur suddenly and unexpectedly.
However, many astrologers warn that, in the end, it all depends on the individual’s birth chart. The problem of this meeting of signs is that the metal meets more metal, which can be an imbalance through excess. However, if the birth chart indicates that there is a lack of metal to achieve balance, then the additional metal element this year is welcome.

The best ally of the year: the Rat


(1933 – 1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005)
A friendly incentive

10-rooster‘When the Rooster meets the Monkey, there will be concerns and moments of happiness’

From the reading of the predictions of the almanacs for 2016 one can draw a positive balance. The Monkey will “pull” the Rooster, forcing it out of its comfort zone and to demand more from life. This may be due to the entrance of a person (that will bring these challenges) or new circumstances.
The most interesting facet of life will be the sentimental (especially for the people of the female gender), due to the influence of a symbolic “star” linked to short-lived (but still positive) connections. For single people it could be a lively year, in which one should think more on the present than on the future.

LOVE ✭✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭
MONEY ✭✭✭✭

Finances will tend to be the less kind this year and may be the one area in which prudence must be greater.
The Almanac of Sung Siu Kwong is more cautious in its predictions, recommending much discretion in everything. But the final stretch of the year may be promising, compensating for the efforts made throughout the annual cycle.
“Sun Star” (Tai Yang): people of the male gender will tend to convey a very positive energy in the lives of Roosters, that is, by bringing them “good luck”.

The best ally of the year: the Ox


(1934 – 1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006)
Advise and help others

11-dog‘When the Dog meets the Monkey, the Dog becomes the mentor of the Monkey’

The Dog is by nature firm, loyal and with a sense of responsibility. While the Monkey prefers adventure and excitement, launching itself into sudden and poorly planned initiatives. So the Dog can help the Monkey.
In other words, in this year of the Monkey, the Dog may be called upon to use its maturity to help others that will appear throughout the year. It tends to be, therefore, a good year for teachers, educators, counsellors, etc.
However, Dog natives will not be able to count on the help of the “stars of destiny”, which means they’re left to their own merits and efforts, without any divine help.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭

But it may be a stable year for professional careers, for love and opportunities with regards to money, as the water element contained in the Monkey symbolizes (for the Dog) money and possessions.
Star of Tears from Heaven (Tian Ku): means that the Dog may have bouts of crying for trivial reasons, say the almanacs. Peter So clarifies that this is most likely to happen with women than with men.

The best ally of the year: the Rabbit


(1935 – 1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007)
Avoid ‘storms’…

12-pig‘When the Pig meets the Monkey, it is a sign of storm’

Leading with “storm signals”, is the almanac of Sung Siu Kwong, usually the more pessimistic, which forecasts that those born under the Pig will have the ability to overcome difficulties and problematic situations.
There are negative and positive stars for this year and the latter are powerful enough to take precedence over the first. In addition to cautious behavior, Pig natives must only focus on their own work and their own route, avoiding the interference in matters which do not directly affect them.

LOVE ✭✭✭
WORK ✭✭✭

They must bear in mind that their relationships with others will be a weakness and, potentially, “storms” (through discussions, disagreements, misunderstandings, etc.) In other words, once this most vulnerable aspect is brought under control, the balance will shift clearly to the upside of the year, where there is ample good news ready to be disclosed.
“Moon Star” (Tai Yin): means the magic power to turn what is negative into positive situations. Women who appear in the lives of Pig natives will bring them good luck.

The best ally of the year: the Rabbit


Categories Chinese Zodiac