Macau | Wells Cathedral Choir performance inspires students

2-renato-marques-6I0A8610More than 400 students and members of the Macau Anglican College (MAC) community witnessed the Wells Cathedral Choir perform yesterday afternoon.
The school auditorium was full as the choir launched an unorthodox introduction to their performance, with the all-girl choir first onstage to warm the audience up.
The concert included full choral performances as well as solos. Some choir members also shared some insights into their experience as performers.
One choir member, Johanna, commented that being part of the all-girls choir was a unique experience. Her duties, she said, include twice-daily performances during weekday services in the cathedral, which are doubled to four on the weekend. Johanna is often rostered on for more performances during Easter and Christmas.
The choir conductor explained that besides vocal performances, choir members play several musical instruments and are deeply dedicated to their practice.
The Wells Cathedral Choir was ranked by Gramophone magazine as the sixth greatest choir in the world with the highest ranked children choristers. At MAC, they presented a mixed repertoire comprising popular carols and traditional songs, celebrating MAC’s 1,100-year history.
The concert was followed by a meeting with the school’s musically-inclined Form 6 students – as well as some from Form 5 – to exchange ideas and share common interests.

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