Housing | New private developments to provide more than 15,000 units

General Images Residential Properties In Macau Ahead Of GDP FiguresAccording to the latest figures made available by the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT), a total of 15,352 private residential units are currently in the development phase. Those units include between them 14,915 new parking spaces, from which 10,950 are for automobiles and 3,950 for motorcycles.
The figures correspond with the 4th quarter of 2015 and were revealed by DSSOPT yesterday.
Until the 4th quarter of last year, 16 new housing developments had obtained housing    licenses, while 99 others were in construction or completed (waiting for final inspection).
Ninety-six percent of the total residential units made available to the market are located on the peninsula with the remaining four percent to be shared between Taipa and Coloane areas in equivalent proportions.
Regarding the typology of these units, about two-thirds (10,629) were two bedroom apartments or smaller, while apartments with 3 bedrooms or more were just 14 percent of the total (2,107).
In addition, DSSOPT reported 211 other private housing developments currently in the project stage. According to the preliminary study submitted by the applicants, a total of 21,071 apartments and 26,802 parking spaces will be constructed in the near future.
For these developments it is also expected that the proportion of units with 3 bedrooms or more will rise to about 53 percent of the total (11,112). RM

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