Since mid-March this year, the Public Security Police Force (PSP) has been performing an operation to tackle high-capacity motorcycles suspected of producing excessive noise.
However, the operation has proved controversial, with some residents claiming that they are being incorrectly penalized and at least one lawmaker submitting a written inquiry to the government.
During the operation, some motorcycle owners have protested the PSP’s procedures, saying that their vehicles have not been modified, as accused, and that they follow the standard specifications of manufacturers.
The case also motivated a written inquiry to the government, detailing a potential flaw in the PSP system for evaluating the noise produced by motorcycles.
According to the inquiry, the motorcycles were evaluated by the Transport Bureau (DSAT) and found to have different noise levels from those initially reported by the PSP, and that this constituted a violation of the Road Traffic Regulations, the same laws that motorcyclists were fined under.
The PSP replied to the Times, saying “whenever our Force intercepts vehicles where the noise generated by their exhaust pipes is suspected of exceeding the limit, we will inspect the vehicles using vehicle noise detection equipment which is authorized by the Transport Higher Council.”
The PSP also noted that “in verified cases where the vehicles are violating the stipulations of Article 26 of the ‘Road Traffic Regulations,’ we would proceed with charges against their owners in accordance with the Law, and Transport Bureau for follow up.”
The PSP also suggested the Times inquire with DSAT regarding the matter. Although over one month has passed since the Times’ inquiry, no reply on the matter has been received from the department.
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