Macao Social Workers’ Union has started an online petition to call for better treatment of social workers and other workers who are now in confined management in care facilities.
The union’s management called on fellow social workers to post pictures with placards with their requests on social media to raise awareness of their situation.
Since July 24, workers in care facilities, such as elderly homes and drug rehabilitation facilities, have been put under de-facto confinement. They must remain in their workplaces at all times because the government will not allow them to go home, citing “disease control” as justification.
The confinement is referred to by the government as “closed-loop management.”
The union said that it had received complaints from fellow workers about exhaustion and mental burden working and living in the same place for an indefinite period. Alongside them, medical staff have also voiced the same sentiment via various channels.
At yesterday’s daily health press conference, President Hon Wai of the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) revealed that confinement swap was being considered. Substitute workers will be allowed to enter the “closed-loop” after a seven-day quarantine at a designated location.
Earlier, however, Hon said only when zero-Covid is achieved can these workers be released.
In fact, the union expressed its understanding of the situation and provided an alternative to the government. It said that even if confinement is unavoidable, humane and private areas for rest should be available. The union pointed out that these concessions would help the workers achieve sufficient and quality rest to “fight the battle together.”
The union believes that if more people are willing to speak out, the government will be more likely to make adjustments.
The union added that the workers’ ultimate wish is to end confinement early so that they can go home and be with their families.