Bad air days: SMG warns of prolonged bad air quality

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) has issued ongoing warnings about Macau’s deteriorating air quality, cautioning that poor conditions may persist for some time.

The warning was issued several days ago, according to SMG, who stated that “The air quality level is expected to be bad.”

The SMG further advised that individuals with existing heart or respiratory illnesses, pregnant women, children, and the elderly minimize outdoor strenuous activities and limit time spent outdoors in areas with heavy traffic.

Over the last couple of days, the Air Quality Index has been ‘orange’ (indicating bad air quality), with roadside indexes ranging between 150 and 180.

The most relevant air pollutants contributing to these ratings found were respirable suspended particulate (PM10), fine suspended particulate (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3).

SMG information also shows that the areas most affected include Coloane, the Eastern side of Taipa, and the Northern District of the Peninsula.
Since 2021, Macau has used an Air Quality Index standard from World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines (WHO AQG). Under other more strict indexes such as the US AQI, levels such as those currently seen in Macau fall under the ‘red’ category, indicating an unhealthy level of air pollutants. RM

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