The government of Angola plans to spend 90.5 billion kwanzas (USD732 million) by 2018 to increase beef production and reduce imports, which provide 79 percent of the country’s needs, according to a presidential decree.
The Directed Program for Beef Production, approved by presidential decree, which includes the import of 340,500 animals for breeding and 1 million for fattening of the Bonsmara, Simmentaller and Brahma breeds, should start before the end of the year.
In 2014 Angola consumed 129,400 tons of beef, but only 27,000 tons (21 percent) were from domestic production, according to the information in the same document.
This program plans to boost Angolan production of beef in 2016 to 46,800 tons in and 79,100 tons in 2018.
The program set out in the presidential decree justifies the amount to be spent by noting that an increase in domestic production of beef will contribute to a decrease in imports, creating new jobs and improving the quality of life for Angolans. MDT/Macauhub
Angola increases beef production
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