Chui ‘upholds freedom of the press and freedom of publishing’

Coluna-1-Jornalistas-macau-Feb-2016The Chief Executive stated yesterday that the media plays a significant role in connecting the government and the public by providing information on policies and social issues. He added that the contributions of the media toward the development of Macau are widely recognized by the community. Mr Chui made the comments during yesterday’s lunch which he hosted for representatives of local news outlets that report in Portuguese and English. “The government strictly upholds the freedom of the press and freedom of publishing,” he declared.

coluna-2-victor-chan-GCSChan continues as gov’t spokesperson

Victor Chan’s position as government spokesperson has been renewed. According to a notice published in the Official Gazette yesterday, Mr Chan will continue his role as the spokesperson until  February 22, 2018. U Man Fong will also continue as the deputy spokesperson. Victor Chan also holds the position of Government Information Bureau (GCS) director.

coluna3-UM scholar receives APA award

The American Psychological Association (APA) has awarded Dr Brian Hall, of the Department of Psychology of the University of Macau (UM), the Theodore Blau Early Career Award for Outstanding Contribution to Professional Clinical Psychology. APA’s Society of Clinical Psychology gives out the award to honor clinical psychologists for their professional accomplishments within the first ten years of receiving their PhDs. According to a UM press release, Hall is currently involved in a collaborative multidisciplinary research project designed to improve the health of people in the Greater China region.

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