Year-on-year inflation in Luanda reached 35.30 percent in July, up 24.89 percent over the figure recorded a year ago, Angola’s National Statistics Institute announced.
In July prices posted a monthly increase of 4.04 percent. The spending categories that accounted for most of that rise were health (+6.86 percent), food and non-alcoholic beverages (+5.94 percent), diverse goods and services (+4.94 percent) and alcoholic drinks and tobacco (+3.85 percent).
The INE also reported that cumulate inflation since the beginning of the year showed an increase of 26.66 percent year-on-year, 16.69 percentage points over the 6.97 percent cumulate inflation from January to July 2015.
Several international studies have indicated that the Angolan capital Luanda is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
The national consumer price index (NCPI) (the INE does not disclose aggregate data for a year for the whole country) recorded variance of 4.26 percent from June to July. MDT/Macauhub
Angola | Year-on-year inflation over 35 percent in Luanda
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