China will build an Integrated Vocational Training Centre (Cinfotec) in Huambo province in 2017, the minister of public administration, labor, health and social security announced in Luanda, reports the newspaper Jornal de Angola.
Minister Pitra Neto spoke during a visit by China’s ambassador to the Luanda Cinfotec. He said preparations were already under way and that Angolan and Chinese personnel had visited Huambo twice to begin the process.
Ambassador Cui Aimin explained that the personnel training would help Angola overcome current financial difficulties and that the project’s cost was still being assessed. He also reiterated his country’s commitment to cooperating with Angola in all sectors already identified.
Cinfotec was conceived in 2008 as a centre for excellence in applied technologies, meant to provide technical qualification and training for professionals in the labour market. It offers technical, qualification and skill-perfection courses in the areas of metrology, mechanics and production, electricity and mechatronics, and information and communication technologies, including courses with international certification.
The Luanda Cinfotec has capacity for 901 trainees and counts 16 classrooms with 50 seats each, two videoconference rooms, one auditorium with 100 seats and 22 laboratories, 15 of them for theoretical teaching and 7 that focus on technological services. MDT/Macauhub
China to back training centre in Angola
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