
Arraial na Ervanários presents 3D cat videos

Three-dimensional video which can be seen with the naked eye is making a debut at this year’s Arraial na Ervanários fair which opened on Tuesday to promote tourism to the Macau Peninsula’s older districts.

The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), the organizer of the event, inaugurated a set of two perpendicular LED screens atop a coffee shop on Rua dos Ervanários. The screens depict videos of a cat moving around from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day. The video is intended to create the illusion of crossing the screens’ edges to create a 3D effect.

Nonetheless, some people who “previewed” the videos during the testing phase took to social media platforms to complain about the lack of a three-dimensional visual effect. They compared it with similar videos presented in New York and Tokyo to support their complaints.

Feline video projections into fog and another cat video on the eaves of a building will also be shown from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. each day.

This year’s event is themed around cats because many shops along the street keep cats as pets. The organizers selected a cat as the mascot for this year’s event and have decided to present them through technological means.

In addition, the organizers have also created a mini computer program for the Chinese social media platform WeChat to draw the attention of visitors. It is hoped that visitors will take more photos and check-in online more to further promote the event.

The event will run for three months. AL

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