CRIME | Twenty locals reported stolen credit card information

This month 20 residents reported to the Judiciary Police (PJ) that their credit cards had allegedly been stolen.

More recently, three residents reported to the PJ that they received credit card transaction information stating that their credit cards had been used to purchase mobile applications.

Each transaction was around USD10. Multiple transactions had been made on a daily basis, involving a total sum of more than USD300.

According to the PJ records, other residents have also made similar reports to the police. All victims said that their credit cards were used to purchase mobile applications or airplane tickets.

In total, 20 victims reported a loss of USD16,000. The PJ later discovered that all of them had visited a foreign tourism website with an address starting with the letter K. The victims entered their credit card details into the website.

Currently, the PJ suspects that the website has vulnerabilities which caused the victims’ credit card details to be leaked, but is still investigating the case. The police also called on residents to be mindful about protecting their personal data online and to choose reputable online shopping sites.

The PJ further highlights that individuals who suspect that fraud has occurred should immediately report the matter to the police regardless of the amount lost.

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