Education | IPM hosts 9th Macau-wide IT competition

First prize winning team of the competition (open category)

The Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM) organized its ninth edition of the “Macau-wide IT Competition – Alice 3D Programming Contest.” The theme of this year’s contest is “Macau – our livable city”.

The competition received 89 entries from 260 contestants representing all sectors of the Macau community, including secondary and tertiary institutions.

Competitors this year focused mostly on creating projects related to the protection of the ecological environment and the need to develop a green city. Competitors were also keen to offer solutions to make better use of public transportation for the convenience of citizens and tourists in Macau. These potential solutions address the overcrowding that is increasingly experienced in Macau because of its dense population.

During the competition, IPM provided specialized training in “Alice 3D” programming to provide participants with a better understanding of the programming skills needed to complete their projects.

Competitors mentioned that while developing their projects, they had been able to further master their 3D programming skills as well as improve their creativity and team-building techniques. Participating teams also stated they were able to receive valuable feedback from the judging panel during the oral presentation stage.

The institute chose the theme “Macau – our livable city” because Macau ranked fourth out of 289 cities in China in terms of livability, according to a report on the competitiveness of Chinese cities released in 2016 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The institute stated in a press release that with the standard of living increasing, public attention on livable cities has surged.

Vice president of IPM, Im Sio Kei, said in a speech at the awards ceremony that the competition will further support the popularity and application of information technology in Macau, providing a good platform for contestants to demonstrate their achievements. He added that IPM will continue to organize similar events for students and members of the general public who have an interest in this area.

Categories Macau