Petition to save 10 Taipa old trees surpasses 2,000 signatures

A petition currently circulating with the aim of protecting the 10 Taipa old trees from being removed or relocated has so far collected 2,111 signatures, 55 from aboriginal Taipa Village residents, the organizer revealed.

This project was initiated by Greenfriends Macau, a group that works on environmental protection and education.

Attention was drawn to the 10 old trees in Taipa at an Urban Planning Committee monthly plenary meeting three weeks ago. The meeting discussed a plan concerning the extension of Avenida de Guimarães to the Lakeside Economic Housing Estate.

The route of the extension, however, would converge with a row of 10 trees officially and legally listed as old trees, which therefore have a certain status similar to cultural heritage.

At the meeting, the representative from the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) stated that it would be almost impossible to relocate the trees without harming or even killing them.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) also has a representative at the Committee. As old trees are protected by the Cultural Heritage Protection Law, the IC has a legitimate role in advising on this matter.

Two days ago, IC director Leong Wai Man said that her bureau will communicate with the IAM on the matter.

The petition has space for messages as well as signatures.

A participant wrote: “These trees are used in Geography and Biology Lessons for Macau Anglican College students. This contributes to the young people learning the importance of preserving local flora and fauna.”

Another participant asked: “These trees have witnessed Macau’s growth, why are we thinking of ‘deleting’ them when they are strong and healthy?”

Meanwhile, some find the trees help to clear the environment and sprinkle a little green in the forest of concrete.

The petition can be signed at AL

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