The Buzz | 86 percent of Macau Arts Festival tickets sold

Almost 86 percent of the tickets for the 29th Macau Arts Festival (MAF) were distributed or sold, according to a statement issued yesterday by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, signifying an “enthusiastic response for local and overseas audiences.”

The festival concluded on May 31, having presented 26 performances and artistic exhibitions, as well as an outreach program encompassing over 100 activities.

This edition of the MAF was themed “Origin”, which symbolizes the “spring of life,” leading the audience to recall the core meaning of life by means of different art manifestations.

The opening performance Das Kapital and the closing performance 13 Tongues were widely acclaimed by the public, according to the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

Meanwhile, local performances were highly sought after, said the Bureau, including Les Curious Fringes – Blast of the Cave, The Night Just Before the Forests, Humming of the Landscape, Pissed Julie and In Search of Memory.

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