The Buzz | Bill Clinton bristles at questions on Lewinsky, #MeToo

Former President Bill Clinton says the #MeToo movement is overdue. Just don’t ask him about Monica Lewinsky.

In an interview with NBC’s “Today Show” released yesterday, Clinton bristled at questions over whether he should have resigned 20 years ago over his sexual relationship with the White House intern and whether the #MeToo movement has changed his perspective.

At the same time, the former Democratic president claimed credit for empowering women in his orbit and disputed that he might owe Lewinsky a private apology, insisting his public televised apology was adequate.

Lewinsky wrote in March that their relationship “was not sexual assault” but “constituted a gross abuse of power.”

“I dealt with it 20 years ago, plus,” said Clinton. “And the American people, two-thirds of them stayed with me.

Clinton is promoting his new fictional thriller, “The President Is Missing,” with best-selling author James Patterson.

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