Power outage incident affects 396 households

A transformer failure occurred at 6:33 p.m. yesterday causing a power outage that, according to CEM, affected 396 households in the areas of Ho Lan Un and Guia. CEM has dispatched emergency teams and a mobile generator on-site to repair and provide support. However, the usage of the mobile generator required the closure of part of the Horta de Costa Road, which necessitated longer time for traffic coordination and wiring. A statement issued by CEM indicates that the power supply resumed at 8:31 p.m..

Wong Sio Chak wants to improve communication mechanism

Last week, part of the ceiling on the seventh floor of the New Yao Han department store collapsed, resulting in three people being injured, including a 12-year-old girl. The incident was not reported to the media, and the police authority was accused of poor communication with the public.  Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, stated last Friday that the police authority did not conceal the case. Citing the Public Security Police Force (PSP), the incident was not within the ambit of the reciprocal notification mechanism. Wong claims that he would obtain instructions about releasing information from the PSP, and that the security force would then conduct an assessment regarding the method of notification. The Secretary further stated that the government will improve communication mechanisms with the media.

Parent says Alexis Tam’s visit was ‘publicity stunt’

Last week, while Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Alexis Tam was visiting the Centro Hospital Conde de São Januário, a local parent described Tam’s visit as “disturbing and a publicity stunt.” Tam arrived in the hospital around 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, and visited the waiting area.  When a group of parents and children became surrounded by journalists, one parent used the aforementioned expression to depict Tam’s visit. Commenting on the parent’s statement, Tam denied disturbing the public and also denied the visit was a publicity stunt.  Tam explained that inviting the media to report on his visit served to let residents know the importance of preventing the flu.

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