Two bureaus welcome new vice heads

The Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau’s acting deputy director Cheong Ion Man was named as vice head of the agency on August 1, while Cultural Affairs Bureau acting vice president Chan Peng Fai will also rise to the position of vice bureau head at the start of next month, according to dispatches issued by the region’s two secretaries, Raimundo Rosário and Alexis Tam.
Cheong, a mechanics-related bachelor’s and master’s degree holder, joined the public department in 1993 and rapidly made his way upwards through four different levels to his current position six months ago. Chan, who finished his anthropological undergraduate and master’s degrees in Taiwan, worked as a researcher for the Macau Museum of Art in 2002 and was promoted through two levels to his current post in September 2014.
Moreover, Maria Luisa Man, Lei Ho Ian and Chan Sau San have also been assigned by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lionel Leong, to the board of directors at the Monetary Authority of Macao, effective this coming Sunday.
Man, who holds two master’s degrees in business management and financial management respectively, dedicated herself to the public services in 1991 before spending eight years at a insurance company. Lei, who finished her master’s in financial economics at the University of London after receiving a bachelor’s degree in business management at the University of Macau (UMAC), joined the government in 1994 and ascended to the managerial level in 2002. Chan, who held various leading roles at UMAC between 1998 to 2001, became a director at the research and statistics department of AMCM in 2001. He is also a doctorate degree holder in economics and finance.

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