Blood Donation Day registers 40 donors

coluna-IMG_8042The Macau Rotary Blood Donation Day took place on Sunday at the Edif Lok Yeong Fa Yuen leisure area. It resulted in the registration of a total of 40 blood donors and the collection of 34 units of blood. Organizers noted a stronger presence of young donors this year, many of them students. A large number of Caucasians was also present. This year’s event was held in the peninsula’s northern district, which, according to organizers, was a deliberate decision in order to reach out to new immigrants. In addition, a temporary blood donation station was installed near to the Fuhong Pou Choi Centre. The Rotary Blood Donation Day is jointly run by Macau’s six Rotary Clubs in partnership with the Macau Blood Transfusion Center, and is now in its 14th year.

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