Traffic rearrangement to prioritize pedestrians’ safety

Traffic lights will probably be introduced at this junction

Traffic lights will probably be introduced at this junction

The Transport Bureau is considering introducing traffic lights at the junction of Rua da Ribeira do Patane and R. de Joao de Araujo in an attempt to improve conditions for pedestrians.
After a near two-hour conference with the Transport Services Committee yesterday, one of the committee members, Kou Kun Pang, told media representatives that around two schemes emerged in the discussion, one of which makes allowances for a U-turn for vehicles coming from the direction of the Red Market at that convergence where illegal U-turns are occasionally seen taking place.
Yet the notion might not be realized, as authorities wish to maintain the existing arrangement where drivers are given the opportunity to do a U-turn not far ahead in the same lane, said Kou.
The bureau is now opting for the most pedestrian-friendly blueprint that guarantees pedestrians time to comfortably make their way across the two-lane roadway, while an overhead walkway is not viable.
It was expected that the scheme of choice would exert extra pressure on the traffic flow in the already hectic roadway, yet Kou claimed that it was legitimate.
“Rights of road use do not simply belong to drivers. I think pedestrians have a certain level of rights as well. [The scheme to be chosen] is to return some of the rights to the walkers with their safety secured,” said an advisory body member.
Furthermore, in response to the crowd of bus-waiters occupying much of the pavement at a bus stop nearby, the authorities are contemplating introducing an additional stop about 50 meters away to help lessen the jam.

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