Heritage | Council discusses buildings listing, renovation

The two buildings to be listed, located at Rua Central

The two buildings to be listed, located at Rua Central

The Cultural Heritage Council of Macau (CPC) commenced the process of classifying two heritage structures during a meeting held this week. The CPC also decided to authorize the construction  of the Infectious Diseases Building, near the Hospital Conde S Januario (CHCSJ).
The president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), Ung Vai Meng and the acting head of IC’s Cultural Heritage Department, Leong Wai Meng revealed information about the building’s historical context, architectural features and what they are currently being used for.
These two buildings are located at the intersection of Rua Central with Calçada de Santo Agostinho and Calçada do Teatro, and  according to IC are at least 130 years old strucutures. They are the only buildings in Rua Central from that time period  still intact with their original features.
Due to the termite infestation that affected the traditional roof and brick wall beams, the wooden parts are unstable and at risk as the walls show cracks, prompting the owner of the two buildings to submit a request for assistance to IC for the implementation of conservation and repair works, given the specificity of the repairs and techniques needed. The CPC board members voted in favor of the decision to provide support for the repair works.
Regarding the construction of the Infectious Diseases wing, given “great public interest,” it was decided that the construction  was very urgent and required the demolition of two buildings in order to proceed rapidly. Once the new construction was approved, they were able to give the green light to the original project. One of the structures to be demolished is currently in use by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) as support for people suffering from drug addiction; the other serves as a storage place supporting the CHCSJ. RM


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