New requirements for lithium batteries on aircraft

2-lithium-batteries-new-requirement-news-picture-01.12.15The Civil Aviation Authority of Macau (AACM) has revised the regulations concerning the transportation of lithium batteries on aircrafts in accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO). These changes will be implemented as of January 1, 2016.
The new regulations state that electronic devices with lithium batteries will be permitted both in hand luggage and in checked-in baggage, provided that the batteries do not exceed 2 grams of lithium content or a watt hour rating of 100Wh (for lithium ion). If the lithium content does exceed the imposed limits, passengers will be required to contact the airline beforehand to ensure that such devices will be permitted.
Devices with lithium batteries include laptop computers, mobile phones, tablets, and cameras. Also included are e-cigarettes, which will be subject to their own set of regulations. A new requirement states that passengers are only allowed to carry electronic cigarettes in their hand baggage, and in a quantity deemed to be for personal use. Spare batteries should also be carried in hand baggage.
According to an AACM statement, the revision follows the best-practices established by the ICAO, and is intended to ensure that aviation security in Macau meets international standards.

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