Man detained for having sex with underage girl

CH 2 police pspThe Public Security Police (PSP) has detained a man after he was alleged to have had sex with a girl under the age of 14, which has led to her becoming pregnant.
Police information suggested that the victim, now 14, is a student. The suspect is a 27-year-old man surnamed Kou.
On September 27, the victim, her father and the suspect arrived at a PSP station. The victim claimed that she met Kou on a social media website on June 20. They became a couple in the same month and the girl visited the man’s house, where the man requested to have sexual intercourse with the victim.
Despite the fact that the girl initially rejected his request and told the man that she was underage and did not have sexual experience, the man was eventually able to lure the victim into complying with his request.
The two had sex several times in the period between June and July. The victim claimed that they were never influenced by drugs or alcohol when they had sexual intercourse.
Later, the victim told the suspect in August that she did not get her menstrual period in that month. The pair then broke up on September 18.
In fact, the break-up took place after an incident in early September in which the girl fainted during school after feeling nauseous and dizzy. It was suggested that she have a pregnancy test after the incident and found out that she was pregnant.
The father told the police that he did not know about the sexual relationship between his daughter and the man, and only found out about the pregnancy after his daughter confided in him.
As a result, the man asked his daughter to find the suspect and then went to the PSP station together to report the issue, as well as stating his intention of legally pursuing the man.
Meanwhile, the suspect claimed that he did know that the girl was underage when they had sex. Since there is a clear indication that showed the man has already committed the crime of raping a minor under the age of 14, the PSP hence issued a detention order against Kou.
The police also took the girl to the hospital for a medical checkup and found that she was already 14 weeks pregnant. The father and the daughter have declined assistance from social workers.
PSP has already handed the suspect over to the Public Prosecution Office.
The Judiciary Police (PJ), on the other hand, have received a report of attempted rape.
It is alleged that a 19-year-
old female victim from mainland travelled to Macau with her uncle and his friends on September 27. However, since there was not enough room in the hotel for all of them, they decided to only arrange a room for the young woman alone.
Later, the suspect was said to have followed the victim back to her room, with the excuse that he wanted to chat with her. While the victim was taking a shower, the man ran into the bathroom and tried to rape the victim. He was fiercely resisted by the victim and hence decided to drag her out of the bathroom onto the bed. He eventually was unable to rape the woman due to her continuous resistance.
The two then left the room together. The victim went to the toilet in one of the hotel restaurants and called the police. PJ intercepted the suspect in the early hours of September 28, and he was admitted to the crime. JPL

Police motorcycle hits schoolboy

A student and a PSP officer were injured after a traffic accident that took place at noon yesterday in which the police motorcycle hit the schoolboy at a pedestrian crossing. The incident happened at the crossing on Avenida do Coronel Mesquita outside the Colegio Dom Bosco (Yuet Wah). PSP suspected that one of its officers failed to brake in time and hit the young student. The student and the officer were sent to the Kiang Wu Hospital and the Conde de São Januário Central Hospital (CHCSJ) respectively. PSP promised to thoroughly investigate the incident. It is suggested that the officer was delivering documents before he was involved in the accident.

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