Last Macau governor wary of ‘Occupy Central’ movement

Rocha Vieira (3rd from right) during his 2009 visit to Macau

Rocha Vieira (3rd from right) during his 2009 visit to Macau

The last governor of Macau, General Rocha Vieira, has expressed concerns about the ongoing demonstrations in Hong Kong and the effects of the Occupy Central movement upon neighboring regions.
“Political stability is very important to promote growth and the wellbeing of its population. If there continues to be agitation and violence, Hong Kong will see its stability and development, the normal life of citizens and the international image as impaired,” the former governor said in an interview with Xinhua on Friday.
Rocha Vieira also believes that Hong Kong has all the necessary conditions to tackle these issues in a peaceful and understanding manner.
“Expressing different opinions is freedom. Freedom is only reserved when we respect each other through dialogue and mutual understanding,” he said, adding that only combining these with the prudent way of thinking in Chinese culture can help resolve problems.
The last Portuguese governor of Macau said that “Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China. There is national sovereignty so there must be harmony and respect.”
Rocha Vieira spoke highly of a great development and autonomy in Hong Kong after its return to China in 1997. He also pointed out that it is important Hong Kong continues to play an important role as a gateway to China and as an international financial center.
Rocha Vieira served as the Governor of Macau from 1991 to 1999, becoming the last Portuguese Governor. He also participated in the negotiations about the return of Macau to China.
“The idea of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ is a great and original ideal,” he said. “Macau was given a great level of autonomy that is only possible within this idea of ‘One Country, Two Systems’. China has respected Macau’s autonomy, its freedoms and its population’s way of life.”
“Macau has experienced a strong economic growth, social development and political stability,” he stated. Rocha Vieira also added that Macau’s development was a good example of proving the great success of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy.

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