Briefs | Indonesia to promote tourism with China

According to a report by TDM, the Indonesian tourism department announced that it will enhance tourism cooperation with Macau. Despite the prevailing impression in Indonesia that Macau is little more than gaming, Indonesian tourism authorities hope that their Macau counterparts can further promote Macau’s world heritage and Portuguese culture. At the same time, the Indonesian tourism department revealed that one million mainland Chinese tourists visited Indonesia in the first half of 2017, and expressed hopes that the number will reach ten million in 2019. China’s tourism department has agreed to help train 6,000 Indonesian tour guides to speak Chinese.

HKZMB shuttle bus to cost less than HKD100

The shuttle bus running across the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge will reportedly cost less than HKD100 to ride. A report by On. Cc (Oriental Daily) states that the three regions’ governments have required the shuttle bus company to be ready to commence operations in November. The shuttle bus operator is required to provide between 90 and 140 shuttle buses daily, with 30 buses on standby. The operator’s plan indicates that even after including the bridge toll fee (estimated to cost between MOP5 and MOP12), the fare for a single shuttle bus ride will be less than HKD100.

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