Rear Window: New adjustment

Chan Wai Kuong, the new director of the Judiciary Police, broke the news during PJ’s annual meeting with the local media that gaming-related crimes have increased year-on-year by 16%. Translating

Bizcuits: Now a resident, now you’re not

One of the issues close to the hearts of many of us is our Macau residency status. On the flippant side, there is that secretly held little elitist pleasure of

Tea Leaks by Talkers

Rumor has it that there’s gonna be more changes in “the” industry at high levels. After Adelson announced he will be replacing Tracy at Sands, it seems the waves of

HK Observer: Occupy Fallout

We can surely expect keener monitoring of political dissent here. As another consequence of Occupy Central, we should also expect a ratcheting up of pressure on media and academics to

Artifacts: #I AM KENJI

When I woke up on Sunday to read that the Islamic State had beheaded freelance reporter Kenji Goto, it sent a shiver down my spine knowing that the gruesome reach

Our Desk: Macau – Loulan

During our geography class in high school, our teacher would sometimes share with us his travelling experiences, especially his journeys to mainland China. He went to places like Guangxi and

Insight: The Maldives is here

Reading a feature story about the rising number of Chinese tourists in the Maldives (a group of atolls in the Indian Ocean, south-southwest of India) reminded me of the song

Kapok | Everything in style

This is an ancient dilemma: which one should prevail, substance over form or the opposite? For a very long time substance was always the one considered to be the most

Tea Leaks by Talkers

Even for the gracious standards by which attentive and responsible media abide, the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture enjoys very, very good press. Actually, he makes the most of

Extra Time: FIFA hopeful is Trojan horse for gambling industry

Don’t laugh. There’s nothing funny about the gambling industry’s latest wheeze to sink its teeth even deeper into football and its fans. We’re talking here about David Ginola. So silky as

Views on Macau | Smoking ban: What steps should Macau take?

The debate about smokers’ versus non-smokers’ rights continues and will continue as long as there are smokers in the world. What we all agree in this debate is that no

World Views: Greece’s crazy leftists have a good idea

Amid the populist rhetoric that propelled the far-left Syriza party to victory in Greece’s parliamentary elections, there’s one idea that Germany in particular should take to heart: revive growth in

Our Desk: In the name of freedom

On January 7, as some hurried to wrap up a working day on this side of the planet, two men killed 12 people at satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in France

Rear Window: Damage control mode

Even erstwhile unapologetic legislator Fong Chi Keong, aka the firing cannon (Fong Cannon), knew it was time to limit the damage piling up over his latest inadmissible comments on domestic

Bizcuits | Measure and Manage

The development of Macau is mainly reported through measures of growth in GDP, fiscal reserves, foreign reserves, tourism, Gross Gaming Revenue: all economic growth. Viewing GDP, Macau’s unquestionably a developed

Tea Leaks by Talkers

The Official Gazette mistakenly published last week that the suspended IACM official Lei Wai Nong has “extended his appointment for two more years as director of the Printing Bureau.”

HK Observer: Reality Checks

How will Hong Kong continue to be governed, given the great social impasses revealed during the Occupy Movement?  On the one hand, there are those seeking Beijing’s good will, which

Artifacts: Keeping it in the family

It’s that time of year again where Christmas has gone and Chinese New Year is coming up, and whether Western or Chinese, most of us will have had to (or

Our Desk: Surpresa!

Last week, I asked my friends on Facebook what time I should start queuing outside the Portuguese Consulate to get my citizen card renewed so that I wouldn’t need to

Insight: Enhance mobility, curb traffic

The transportation system is a critical issue for Macau, given the region’s limited size. There is a need to create a convenient public transport system that counters our over-dependence on

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