Tea Leaks by Talkers

Dog bowing to Mecca

Talkers confirmed our recent leak about Mecca leaving his post as COO at Galaxy. But our sources are now saying he’s moving out of Cotai. Actually out of Macau. Why? He quarantined his dog – a Poker Terrier. (LOL) Now, seriously, he’s on the way out. However we just confirmed over a pint that Kevin Kelley is about to be announced as Mecca’s replacement – as Talkers revealed. We also overheard that many more are on the move, out and about Cotai.

Incheon-International-AirportGaming terminal

This Talker has been places! Last time we went gambling in an airport terminal was in Frankfurt and made enough money for schnapps and a pretzel. Apparently gaming and airports are getting some kind of momentum. First it was Korea, with big casino plans for Incheon; now the Mongolia gov’t is saying that the location for potential casino resorts has not been mentioned but one option would be Khushigt International Airport, currently under construction. I don’t know what CAM is waiting for… Ah, of course, not the right time. No smoking, no trottoir, very little gambling. Forget about it.

prostitution-massageparlor-4Massage is banned in smoking parlours?

Police had secretly inspected a massage parlour before they raided the place, Xinhua reports, and the Shanghaiist blog protests, “without specifying how, exactly, they went about it.” We have an idea: I think they got the Health Dept message wrong. They raided a massage parlour alright, but instead of going after smokers they went after “15 scantily-clad female workers [who] were caught prostituting during the raid and one, dressed in Japanese kimono, was apparently running the operation.” Police also seized several “sex items.” At ease boys, this happened last week… in Guangxi.

spamMacau slides on spamming

Forget about the recent news about SMS spammers at the Border Gate. There was a time when tiny Macau was able to sneak in at an honorable 12th place for spamminess per person, even though it was way down in 94th place by volume. But the heydays are gone. This year the SAR has slipped off the table, down to a lousy 24th position, and what’s worse Hong Kong has suddenly appeared right up in second place! As for total volume, China has long surpassed the USA as the master spammer nation. Whatever the so-called Great Firewall is blocking these days, it doesn’t seem to be unsolicited and unwanted email. The cyber wall just catches keywords like democracy, Hong Kong, Macau OR Macao, corruption and gaming.


in others’ words

The crowd [in Senado Square] is how a Lunar New Year should be.

Wiston WEI, Tourist

Private Chat


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