Exhibition showcases modern art collection

The exhibition “Modern Painting from the MAM Collection” presents 38 modern paintings by 42 artists from mainland China, Macau, Portugal and France at the Macao Museum of Art (MAM).

The exhibition features landscapes and portrait paintings, using a wide variety of styles and techniques, including oil painting, acrylics and mixed media.

A statement from the Cultural Affairs Bureau explained that the paintings portray “rich emotions and complex living conditions” between people and nature, people and society and between people themselves.

The showcase reveals the open thinking and artistic characteristics of Macau as well as its role as a place for cultural integration between east and west, with artworks spanning a period from the 1980s to the present.

The showcase also illuminates the role of modern art in breaking with the previous limitations of realism, giving rise to a wide range of new art forms and influencing the development of painting in Macau over the last three decades.

Thus the “Modern Painting from the MAM Collection” aims to introduce relevant works from its modern art collection, allowing visitors to perceive multiple characteristics of modernist paintings.

The authors of the exhibition span an age range of 67 years and reside in mainland China, Macau and Europe respectively. The exhibition will run until April 29.

Categories Macau