
Japan, New Zealand agree on intel sharing pact amid growing regional security concerns

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, left, and Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida shake hands prior to their bilateral meeting at Kishida’s office in Tokyo

Japan and New Zealand agreed earlier this week in principle on an intelligence sharing pact as their leaders shared concerns over the increasingly challenging security environment in the region, including closer ties between Russia and North Korea.

In a joint statement, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his New Zealand counterpart Christopher Luxon expressed concern about rising tension in the South China Sea, where China has become increasingly assertive in pressing its territorial claims.

Kishida and Luxon “welcomed the agreement in principle of an information security agreement” to facilitate classified information sharing, according to the statement released by Japan’s Foreign Ministry.

The two leaders also agreed to accelerate talks toward signing a pact that would allow the two countries’ forces to share logistical support and supplies during bilateral training and other operations.

Under Japan’s 2022 national security strategy the country has been accelerating military buildup and expanding defense partnerships amid threats from China, North Korea and Russia.

Kishida and Luxon condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, including the North’s shipment to Russia of ballistic missiles used against Ukraine, the joint statement said. MARI YAMAGUCHI, TOKYO, MDT/AP

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