Risk of mosquito-borne virus significantly higher this year

The Health Bureau (SSM) has called on residents to be more aware of illnesses spread by mosquitoes, as this year’s ovitrap index, (measured with equipment used to trap and contain mosquito eggs), is a lot higher compared to the same period last year.

During the Ching Ming Festival on Tuesday, several officers handed out pamphlets on mosquito prevention, reminding the public to be alert of the diseases.

Speaking on the sidelines of the flyer-handout initiative, Leong Yek Hou, head of Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that the ovitrap index is higher this year, reflecting an increasing possibility of residents being infected with mosquito-borne diseases.

“The index we have recorded this January and February is higher than the same period last year,” Hou told the press, as cited in a TDM report.

“For example, the index this January is 7.3 while last year it was only 0.2. […] The index in February has gone down to 2.4 and last year same period it was 0.6,” Leong  continued.

The prevalence of mosquitoes remains extremely high in the region, especially during the summer.

She correlated the high number of Aedes albopictus (the type of mosquitos that spread dengue fever and Zika) with the increased chance of seeing mosquito virus outbreaks.

“Especially after April, the index was very high, which accounts for 60 percent of the total mosquito population,” she noted, warning residents to not underestimate the outbreaks of mosquito-born diseases.

“As long as there is an imported case of dengue fever or Zika, the risk of having an outbreak is significantly high.”

Leong reminded the residents to prevent mosquito virus outbreaks by avoiding stagnant water and by wearing long-sleeved shirts.

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