China Daily | Booming trade reflects steady recovery

In a sign that China’s economy is recovering well from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country’s total foreign trade, exports and imports all hit record highs in the

China Daily | Imperative that socializing and trips be cut

  China announced 62 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, raising the total number of existing domestic infections to 1,285 nationwide. With the tracing of close contacts of the confirmed cases to

China Daily | Vaccination drive needs a shot in the arm

  Another 71 locally transmitted COVID-19 infections were reported on Tuesday, showing the worrying speed of the virus’ spread. Meanwhile, an investigation into the earlier infections in Jiangsu province has found that

China Daily | False claims that China is laying a debt trap in Africa

  In 2020, while documenting the Abuja integrated transport project, which includes the metro, intercity railway and the Abuja airport, and is handled by China Civil Engineering Construction Corp, I read

China Daily | First line of defense must be reinforced

The cluster of novel coronavirus infections at Lukou International Airport in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, which has been the fuse for the outbreak of Delta variant infections across the country, has

China Daily | Better too much than too little

  The tragic loss of dozens of lives in the floods in Zhengzhou, capital city of Henan province, has taught the whole country a hard-learned lesson of the need to be

China Daily | Hong Kong will resolutely uphold rule of law

  In the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s first conviction under the National Security Law in effect in the region, a panel of three judges in the High Court found the

China Daily | Importance of vaccination cannot be overstressed

  In a grim reminder that the epidemic prevention and control work brooks no complacency, hardly had a new cluster of infections of the novel coronavirus in the border areas of

China Daily | Flexible fiscal policy will help adapt to market changes

A tax official from the Ministry of Finance said at a recent news briefing that China’s phased tax and fee reduction policy introduced in 2020 to deal with the novel

China Daily | Political games to follow Tokyo Games

  On July 8, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency in Tokyo until Aug 22, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. That means the Tokyo Olympic Games (July 23-Aug 8)

China Daily | Wolves howl wolf at the cyber door

  Almost simultaneously, the United States and its allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific alleged they were all victims of cyberattacks on Monday. Although they fingered China as the guilty party,

China Daily | Olympics has little upside, huge downsides

  After the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games decided in March to ban overseas fans from the 2020 Summer Games, the question of whether to hold or

China Daily | ‘Anxiety for appearance’ behind the popularity of high-risk plastic surgeries

  China has seen an increase in the number of dangerous plastic surgeries. Some are choosing to undergo calf reduction surgery, which involves cutting nerves that control the calf muscles. When

China Daily | Mutual respect key to understanding China’s achievements

How and why have China’s economy and national strength been growing at such a rapid pace over the past decades? As evidenced in the writings of many travelers who had the

China Daily | Separatism seeds won’t be sown in HK schools

There can be no doubt that the anti-China forces in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as their foreign patrons and bankrollers, have succeeded in brainwashing numerous young

China Daily | Origin-tracing should adopt global perspective and not be politicized

  The Lancet published a report on Monday authored by a group of experts from different countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, which offers some food for thought. In

China Daily | AI giants can benefit other nations

  In the race to become the leader in artificial intelligence, China and the United States are way ahead of the rest of the world. What does that mean for the

China Daily | Will summer vacation be cram schools’ winter?

Summer vacation has started, but cram schools may be feeling the chill because since last month, 15 cram schools have been fined for issuing misleading advertisements, manipulating prices and using

China Daily | Data security vital to national security

  The investigations announced by China’s Cyber Security Review Office into Yunmanman and Huochebang truck delivery platforms, Boss Zhipin recruitment website, as well as ride-hailing app Didi on Monday send the

China Daily | Rejuvenation will make country a great partner

The grand gathering in Tian’anmen Square in Beijing on Thursday morning to celebrate the centenary of the Communist Party of China naturally drew the world’s attention. Those hoping the event would

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