Welfare | IAS launches family life education website for ‘healthier homes’


Aiming to promote a healthy home life, the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) and six social service organizations have jointly launched a five-year plan and a family life education website.
The five-year plan primarily seeks to promote the development of family life education and professional services, strengthening community and education, and deepening community collaboration services. The plan will prioritize newlyweds and families with infants. It will focus on enhancing and developing family life education programs, parental education, and family financial management, as well as sex education for families.
The official website, launched yesterday, allows families in the city to learn more about family life and activities, discover how to actively create a positive family life, and establish good relationships within the family unit, the officials said.
Speaking at the Macau Science Centre during Tuesday’s press conference, the vice-president of the IAS, Tang Yuk Wa, said that the plan will be gradually implemented over five years (2021 to 2025) focusing on different areas every year. He hopes the launch of the family life education website will help families learn more about and prevent family problems. Through systematic work, the site will provide different support and information to families in need.
More information on other topics will soon be added, including on pre-marriage preparation and married life, information for new parents, childhood development, parenting and sex education.
Within the scope of promoting harmonious family life, the IAS has been developing family and community services of a preventive, caring and corrective nature via their three-level prevention model. To create a network of family services and prevent family problems, the bureau has collaborated with social facilities for community and family services in over 30 meetings. The IAS also created a specialized entity to treat family cases at risk, and increase the level of intervention and support for these.
More information on family life education can be found at the newly launched IAS website, macaufamilylife.com. The site is available in Chinese language only. Staff reporter

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