Xia Baolong urges youth to seize opportunities

Xia Baolong visits the National Security Education Exhibition

Beijing’s top official for Hong Kong and Macau affairs has called on young people to “strive harder, become more competitive and seize the opportunities given by the central government to Macau.”

The director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office at the State Council, Xia Baolong, met with members of the Central District Community Service Consultative Council and of the Northern District Community Service Consultative Council to learn more about community affairs and people’s livelihoods.

According to Ou Mun Tin Toi, Xia conveyed the message that young people are the “hope of the country, Macau, the Cooperation Zone, and the Greater Bay Area,” all of which present numerous opportunities for the younger generation.

Xia also urged various sectors to collaborate in improving community care and act as a bridge for facilitating dialogue between residents and the government.

He then visited the Government Headquarters to hold discussions with Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng and other senior officials of the SAR.

During the meeting, he listened to a presentation on the SAR’s approach to governance, and exchanged opinions regarding Macau’s overall situation and its appropriate economic diversification effort.

According to government statement, Xia acknowledged the “pragmatic and promising nature of the government,” and agreed that the government’s actions are “characterized by active innovation and revitalization.”

In the afternoon, Xia, accompanied by Ho and Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, visited the National Security Education Exhibition; and met with entrepreneurs and members of the Macao Chamber of Commerce Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wai Nong. Staff Reporter

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