These candidates who won seats in the European Parliament this week aren’t who you might expect

He has no political experience. No high-profile endorsements. No party affiliation. What Fidias Panayiotou does have are 2.6 million followers on YouTube and more on TikTok. And now he has won a seat in the European Parliament representing Cyprus, one of several unusual candidates who launched improbable campaigns only to snag membership in the 720-seat legislature.

Macron hopes to contain Le Pen’s National Rally in snap elections after it surged in EU vote. It’s a risky bet

The surge of the far right in France in elections for the European Parliament was widely expected. What came next was not. French President Emmanuel Macron called for a snap legislative election, saying he could not ignore the new political reality after his pro-European party was handed a chastening defeat and projected to garner less than half the support of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

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