15th Macau Food Festival enlists over MOP10 million from government

£®…Áª·£©µ⁄ Æ»˝ΩÏ∞ƒ√≈√¿ ≥Ω⁄柖–ø™ƒª“« ΩThe government has spent over MOP10 million in order to ensure the smooth running of this year’s Macau Food Festival, which has been dwindling in popularity among local citizens over previous years, according to the event’s coordinating commission head Chan Chak Mo.
The 15th edition of the annual festival, which will run from November 13 to 29, has had to seek financial support from authorities every year. Chan acknowledged that “it was impossible to keep the function going without government assistance.”
“The set-up alone costs MOP3 million and another MOP3 million is required for the power supply,” said Chan, also a legislator.
According to Chan, around MOP4 million worth of grants were from the Macau Government Tourist Office while the Macau Foundation donated roughly MOP8 million for the event.
Overcrowding, a lack of seats and long queues were said to explain the waning support among locals for the event over the last few years. Chan said this year the festival would feature authentic Korean food to win back the hearts of residents. Additionally, the organizer will also set up a draw exclusively for locals in another attempt to lure more local citizens.

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