22 vacancies provided to retired seniors: IAS

In two recently approved social enterprise projects, 22 positions will be filled by senior residents, Hon Wai, president of the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS), disclosed.
Of the 22 positions, 16 are full-time and six are part-time.
In order to make progress with the projects, the IAS has signed service contracts in the first half of this year with the service providers. The projects are expected to be launched in the second half of the year.
The IAS added that, citing the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL), employers who have the will to hire senior job-seekers or without competent skills are eligible to apply for subsidies from the government.
Meanwhile, in order to follow up with senior employment needs, the DSAL operates a senior employment service priority channel, the IAS revealed. The channel focuses on job-matching services for residents of or above 65 years of age.
Vocational support services are also provided to senior job-seekers to prepare them for the employment market once more.
The DSAL and the Social Security Fund (FSS) are exchanging opinions on the review of the Regulations on Employment Assistance and Training. AL

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