Life & Style | Trumps hand out Halloween candy, greet kids at White House

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump have handed out candy to hundreds of military families and local schoolchildren as the White House got a head start on Halloween.

The children dressed up as astronauts, military officers, pirates and dinosaurs as they greeted the president and first lady one-by-one. The Air Force Strolling Strings played “Thriller” from Michael Jackson, “The Addams Family” theme song and other spooky tunes to set the mood.

A Halloween display of Black Forest trees wrapped around the columns of the South Portico, while pumpkins lined the staircases.

Several agencies were also on hand to help in the fun, with the Secret Service showing off the presidential limo known as “The Beast” and NASA displaying the suit that astronauts wear for spacewalks.

World-famous bakery shares secrets in a new book

If there is such a thing as baking royalty, Apollonia Poilâne might be its queen.

The 35-year-old is a third-generation baker for the world famous Poilâne in Paris. It was founded in 1932 by Apollonia’s grandfather Pierre and has inspired chefs, musicians, poets, and artists worldwide for nearly 90 years.

Now, Apollonia Poilâne is opening the company’s oven doors wide with her first English-language cookbook, “Poilâne: The Secrets of the World-Famous Bread Bakery,” a weighty collection of nearly 100 recipes.

The recipes that Poilâne is most proud of are her gluten-free cornbread, developed over the course of 15 years (using a mixture of corn flour, oat milk, and flax seeds), and her late father’s “bread sandwich,” which consists of a piece of thin bread, buttered and toasted, sandwiched between two slices of bread.

They are just two of a number of playful recipes in a book that celebrates the many and varied uses of bread and provides a blueprint for where the company might be heading next. As Poilâne states, “my family would appreciate that there are many more doors yet to open.”

Bronx steps in ‘Joker’ movie become a tourist attraction

Move over, Rocky, there’s a new stairway to climb.

A set of outdoor steps in the Bronx has become a tourist attraction in recent weeks since the release of the movie “Joker.”

The stairs are between two buildings on Shakespeare Avenue, about a half-mile from Yankee Stadium.

In the movie, lead actor Joaquin Phoenix dances as he goes down the steps, wearing a bright red suit and clown makeup.

These days, neighborhood residents using the steps are being joined by tourists trying to recreate the scene.

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