SSM conducts temperature screening of Wuhan visitors

Passengers arriving on a Wuhan flight receive on-board medical examinations by Health Bureau staff

The Health Bureau (SSM) has been conducting temperature screening of passengers flying from Wuhan to Macau since the beginning of the year, following the increasing number of “abnormal” cases of pneumonia in the Hebei capital.

So far, no temperature abnormalities have been detected.

The director of the SSM, Lei Chin Ion, told the press that viral pneumonia is a common disease in winter, but with 27 reported cases of viral pneumonia of unknown origin in the same city and seven serious cases, this is considered an abnormal situation.

According to a statement issued by the bureau, the health authority has been in close communication with China’s National Health Commission and has already prepared a number of infection control measures.

The SSM said that there are sufficient reserves of medicines, facilities and equipment, among other things.

The SSM currently has a stock of medicine intended for 180,000 people with the influenza virus.

Meanwhile, the director of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Dr. Lam Chon, pointed out that some experts suspect that the underlying cause of these cases may be related to avian influenza or other infectious diseases transmitted by animals.

As the importation of live poultry in Macau is currently suspended, the rate of occurrence of avian influenza infections is low.

However, he urged residents to avoid contact with live birds or other animals, to avoid crowded places or hospitals with many cases, and to wear a mask and pay attention to personal hygiene when traveling to Wuhan or other locations.

Meanwhile, lawmaker Wong Kit Cheng said that if there is enough manpower, she believes the SSM should vaccinate the “vulnerable population,” including bus and taxi drivers who face a higher risk of contracting influenza due to their frequent contact with both residents and tourists. LV

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