Covid-19 | Another Bell’s palsy reported as AEFI

A local Bell’s palsy case recorded after the patient received their first Covid-19 jab has been categorized as an adverse event after immunization (AEFI), the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Center announced.
The patient is a local man aged 58. He took his first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination on June 12. The inoculation type he was administered was the inactivated vaccine manufactured by Sinopharm.
At the end of the month, symptoms of weak bite force on the left side of his face, tilted left corner of the mouth, dripping of saliva and incomplete closure of the left eyelids started to appear. He then sought out medical assistance at the Accident and Emergency Department of the public Conde de São Januário Hospital.
At the hospital, he was diagnosed as experiencing Bell’s palsy, which is also known as acute facial palsy of unknown cause.
Following treatment at the hospital, he was released from the medical facility and did not need to be hospitalized.
His case, according to the Response and Coordination Center, has been passed to the Evaluation Taskforce on AEFI of Covid-19 Vaccination for discussion. The center also stressed that, in Macau, the frequency of Bell’s palsy after Covid-19 jab has not been higher than the non-vaccinated group of individuals. AL

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