2021 Population Census | 19,000 households submit responses on first day

The 2021 Population Census officially started last Saturday, August 7. According to information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC), 19,000 households immediately submitted their forms online, or 7% of the total population.
In a statement, the DSEC emphasized the overwhelming response from the population submitting online questionnaire responses, noting that this was the highest turnout ever recorded for the first day of this year’s population census.
The bureau had previously stated it would aim to enforce this contactless method of form submission as a Covid-19 pandemic prevention measure, having prepared a team to assist with questions from residents via phone.
According to the DSEC, the online data collection system and the telephone interviewing system have been running smoothly and effectively.
According to the bureau, for a household of three members, it would take less than 5 minutes to fill in the online short-form questionnaire, which can be filled and submitted via mobile phone or computer.
For the elderly or households not familiar with the Internet, the simplest way to complete the census is to provide information via telephone interviews.
They may call the Census Hotline on 8809 8809 to conduct a telephone interview.

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