Ao Ieong: 27 agreements signed to combat poverty in Congjiang

Public services, associations, and companies in the Macau SAR led the signing of a total of 27 poverty reduction agreements to fight poverty in Congjiang of Guizhou Province.
This comes after the Macau government, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau SAR and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) participated in the central government’s work of eradicating poverty in the province in 2018.
In yesterday’s opening event of an online exhibition “Congjiang Fight against Poverty,”
Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U stated that those 27 agreements, 12 of which were backed by the Macau SAR Government, garnered “remarkable results.”
With concerted efforts, Guizhou, the country’s poorest province, has become the province with the greatest poverty reduction, with 66 poor districts across the province, including Congjiang, being lifted out of poverty.
“It is with immense honor that Macau’s compatriots can participate in the efforts to fight poverty, thus demonstrating their love for their homeland,” said Ao Ieong.
According to the official, with regards to poverty reduction in the sector, Macau’s advantages as an exhibition platform to promote the “internationalization of Guizhou goods were leveraged, at the same time taking advantage of the scientific and technological potential of Macau’s traditional Chinese medicine, creating a base for growing ‘Yao Herbs’.”
The online exhibition features “story of Macau’s success in supporting the fight against poverty of Congjiang of Guizhou Province,” with an aim to gain a better understanding of the work of the local government.
Back in 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the country should form a poverty relief mechanism with long-lasting effects and contain formalism in poverty reduction, adding that it is the country’s solemn pledge to help all impoverished rural population out of poverty under the current standard and delist all poor counties by 2020. LV


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