SMG expects typhoon this week

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) says that there is a high chance that a typhoon will form in the vast low-pressure area in the Philippines, affecting Macau later this week. In an update, the bureau said that low pressure abroad over the central part of the South China Sea may develop into a tropical depression in the next two days. It will move towards the Guangdong coast and Hainan Island. However, its intensity and movements remain uncertain at present. Under the influence of the broad circulation of the low pressure area, its rainband will bring unsettled weather to Macau.

Hush 2022 postponed 

The “hush! Summer Concert,” originally scheduled to be held from July 9 to 19, has been postponed. The submission period for the short video competition “hush! 300 Seconds” will also be extended accordingly. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) announced in a statement that the dates of both the concert and competition submission deadline will be rescheduled and announced in due course. The postponement comes after the IC closed its cultural facilities and suspended all cultural activities and external services. 

IAM calls on public not to discharge waste into drains

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has called on residents to avoid discharging domestic waste into drains to prevent blockages of internal drains and public sewers of buildings. In a statement, the bureau said that large amounts of domestic waste such as towels and masks had been found in public sewers. The presence of waste seriously affects the operation of the sewers and also causes sewage backflow to easily occur, “increasing the risk of transmission in the community.”

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