
Shanghai cuts quarantine requirement for Macau arrivals

Shanghai has loosened its Covid-19 prevention measures for travelers from Macau, no longer requiring arrivals to undergo a weeklong central and three-day home quarantine. According to authorities, arrivals from Macau must possess two negative nucleic acid test (NAT) certificates and report to neighborhood committees, companies or hotels within 12 hours of arriving. The measures are similar to Zhuhai’s requirements for Macau arrivals, which require them to present a negative NAT certificate from the 24 hours prior to their arrival. Upon arrival, travelers are also asked to take a PCR test twice within three days. 

Weather bureau mulls issuing T8

The weather bureau has considered issuing typhoon signal No. 8 from midnight to dawn today depending on the development of Typhoon Mulan and changes in the local wind. Typhoon signal No. 3 remained in force since 11:30 a.m. yesterday. Under the influence of the broad circulation, its rainband will bring unsettled weather to the city. Winds reach strong wind level at Beaufort scale 6-7, occasionally reaching scale 8 with gusts, and there will be occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms, the bureau warned. The Yellow Storm Surge Warning was issued at 5 p.m. yesterday and flooding is expected to occur today and tomorrow.

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