15 types of qualified local medical personnel allowed to practice in Hengqin

Starting from August 1, 15 types of medical personnel from Macau that have engaged in relevant practice for over two years can register and apply for a practice certificate to work in medical institutions in the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, according to the latest information session on Hengqin’s regulation on medical personnel.

Meanwhile, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners from Macau who have practised clinical work for more than five years can also apply to establish TCM clinics in the zone.

Medical institutions in Hengqin are also urged to improve their regulations on the management and employment of Macao medical personnel. Macau medical personnel must practice within the registered service category, location and time limit.

Recently, at its 11th meeting for the current term, the Medical Committee has discussed arrangements for Macau medical professionals to practice in Hengqin.

Alvis Lo, committee president and director of the Health Bureau (SSM), has said administrative regulations concerning medical and pharmacy staff would be promulgated on Aug. 1.

Current regulations allow 15 types of local medical staff to practice in Hengqin after two years of licensed services in Macau and after Hengqin authorities have registered and licensed them. MDT/NEWSGD

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