
FDC to spend MOP25 million on projects to celebrate ‘Double Anniversary’

The Cultural Development Fund (FDC) has announced it intends to spend some MOP25 million subsidizing projects that celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of Macau’s handover.

To encourage non-profit associations legally constituted in Macau to carry out artistic and cultural activities related to the “Double Anniversary,” the entity is providing financial support to two major types of activities. The first includes cultural and artistic shows and performances, exhibitions or fairs, and competitions and festive activities relating to intangible cultural heritage, while the second type includes audiovisual production, film and television production, animation production, lectures, workshops, training courses and seminars, publications of books and periodicals.

The maximum subsidy is MOP500,000 or MOP1 million, depending on the type of activity. Priority will be given to projects that achieve the highest scores at evaluation.

The deadline for receiving financial support is between July 2 and December 31, 2024. All projects must be completed by December 31, 2024. Applications will open from July 2 to July 19.

The Activities and Projects Assessment Committee will evaluate applications based on the following criteria: the quality and improvement of content planning, budget rationale, the candidate’s execution capacity, as well as the scale and influence of the activity.
Additional points will be awarded for projects that were funded by the National Arts Fund of China or its extended projects.

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