Cooperation Zone

Macau New Neighborhood leases over 200 housing units for young talents

Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) has announced that more than 200 houses for young talents in the Macau New Neighborhood project in Hengqin are now available for rent.

The company is collaborating with various institutions, including Hengqin School Affiliated to Haojiang Middle School, the University of Macau, and the New Neighborhood Health Station, to negotiate the leasing of these talent rooms.

According to a WeChat announcement from the MUR, the Macau New Neighborhood project has more than 200 units of supporting talent housing, concentrated in blocks 17 and 18.

The leasing is governed by the regulation that the units are “only for rent, not for sale,” and are available to those who meet specific requirements, including institutions and related talents, regardless of their household registration.

MUR stated that the leasing of talent housing is part of Hengqin’s overall plan to further support the talent settlement measures in Hengqin.

The company hopes to attract more high-quality skilled personnel to move in, driving the popularity and business vitality of the new neighborhood and creating a convenient and livable environment for people who work, study, and live in the Cooperation Zone.

The Macau New Neighborhood project is a significant step in Hengqin’s efforts to attract and retain talent, which is crucial for the region’s economic and social development. VC

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